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Residential Appraisals in Atlanta, GA

For over 15 years, Baldwin Real Estate has provided CPAs with comprehensive residential appraisals in Atlanta, GA and surrounding areas. We comprise seasoned, SRA-designated professionals who handle every kind of residential property appraisal evaluation. Our in-depth, precise reporting enables you to serve your clients’ needs better and set them up with a better financial future.

front porch of house

Why Choose Us

CPAs are busy. Between analyzing IRS, income, and other vital financial documentation daily, CPAs need a trained, honest source for property evaluation. We assist CPAs in a wide range of residential financial matters. Our skills and seasoned experience enable us to include factors within our appraisals that less-trained professionals wouldn’t consider.

What We Do

Whether you need to find a property’s worth, or prepare your clients for financial success, having a trusted appraiser on your side is essential. Our SRA-designated team has spent over 15 years helping and guiding CPAs through the following circumstances:

Date of Death/Estate Appraisals

When a homeowner passes away, their property will inevitably be re-sold or passed down to whoever is next in line. We are equipped to determine a home's worth after the owner's passing and prepare it for the next stage.

Financial Planning & Trust Appraisals

It's critical to monitor your client's property value increase and decrease over time. Our financial planning appraisals help you determine your client's current home worth, future growth, and potential decline so that you can easily develop a strategic financial plan.

IRS valuations for Real Estate

The housing market constantly ebbs and flows. We conduct thorough IRS valuations for real estate gifting and donated properties. We will help you better determine your client's financial standings, so you can better counsel them on how to set themselves up for success.

Committed to Serving Financial Professionals

CPAs have a big job to do. If you’re a CPA, your client’s financial health, livelihood, and happiness are in your hands. With that much responsibility, you never want to let any detail or opportunity slip away. At Baldwin Real Estate, we’ve proven our devotion to helping financial professionals do their best work. Our team has gone above and beyond what state rules, laws, and regulations require us to do. Our advanced education and expertise within the appraisal and valuation field make us most suited to partner with and aid other financial and real estate professionals. Maintaining integrity and credibility for every service is among our top priorities. You can trust us to produce fair and honest results.

Contact Baldwin Real Estate Today