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Appraising Residential Properties in Atlanta, GA

Do you want your clients to take advantage of selling their property? Do you want a dependable, honest professional who will determine a property’s exact worth? The team at Baldwin Real Estate is a real estate agent’s best friend. We provide agents with full-service real estate appraisals in Atlanta, GA and surrounding areas. For over 15 years, agents and their clients have relied on us to fulfill their appraisals and advocate for their best interests. We’ve built a sterling reputation for maintaining integrity and credibility in each service.

house and green lawn

Helping Real Estate Agents Succeed

You work hard to get your clients the best price and return on their property. We make the process easier by offering pre-appraisal and full-on inspections for the people and properties you serve. You can depend on us to thoroughly inspect the property and determine its cost according to current housing market conditions. We enable real estate agents to get the most from a sale before developing a final contract.

Why Should I Choose Pre-List Appraisal?

We provide specialized services to help you and your clients secure your listings. Our pre-appraisal services comprise of desktop and in-person inspections. We thoroughly measure, photograph, and document properties with the latest technology.

We stand behind our values. If the lenders appraisal falls short of the pre-list appraisal, our team will review it and help prepare a rebuttal.

Pre-list appraisal offers an array of advantages, including:

Accurate Pricing

We take the guesswork out of determining a properties price. Inaccurate pricing risks leaving money on the table or becoming a stale listing. A pre-list appraisals finds your property's precise value before listing in MLS, enabling your clients to ask for a fair price and saving them from offering too low or high.

The Most Value

Our pre-appraisal is strategic. We pinpoint crucial selling points, repairs, and fixes to increase the property's worth.

Successful Negotiations

In real estate, entering negotiations with a seal-tight strategy and the truth on your side is essential. Our precise pre-list appraisals enable you to withstand and overcome any counterargument or offer proposed to you.

We Fight for You and Your Clients

Receiving a fair, honest appraisal can be easy if you trust the right professionals. If you’re an agent, you know the complications and hardships of contesting faults in a lender’s appraisal. Our team has spent years within the banking industry and housing market. We are trained to identify the slightest mistakes, flaws, and errors within a lender’s appraisal and work diligently to correct them. Our mission is to ensure that you and your clients walk into negotiations with the upper hand.

Contact Baldwin Real Estate Today