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Helping Lenders Help Their Borrowers

Lenders are essential to the home-buying process. They set up opportunities for borrowers to thrive and begin exciting new chapters in their lives. Baldwin Real Estate understands how important lenders are to making borrowers’ dreams a reality. We provide them with residential property appraisals in Atlanta, GA and surrounding areas. We pride ourselves on forming and maintaining strong professional bonds with the lenders we work with daily. You can rely on us to devise timely and accurate appraisals so that you can prepare yourself and your clients for success. From the first inquiry through funding, we dedicate ourselves to you.

house with front porch

Specializing in All Residential Appraisals

At Baldwin Real Estate, we want what is best for you and your borrowers. We strive to fulfill detailed reports and appraisals while forming strong, lasting professional relationships with our lenders. That’s why we include every detail in our reporting and meet the strictest underwriting rules, laws, and regulations. Our desktop appraisals provide lenders with quick, upfront assessments of a property’s worth, while our complete and pre-list appraisals account for fixes, repairs, and hidden advantages that could affect a property’s worth. We specialize in origination, refinancing, relocation, construction, and permanent appraisals so that you can understand the full scope of your home.

Repurchase Demand Consulting and Rebuttal

We are among the few appraisal firms that consult clients on rebuttals concerned with mortgage repurchase demands from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. We’ve helped clients write and rebut demands with success since the Great Recession. Our personal experiences with repurchase demands makes us uniquely positioned to serve small- and mid-sized lenders. Since the Great Recession, we’ve carefully monitored appraisal quality for lenders, ensuring that their cases and negotiations go smoothly and that they have facts on their side to achieve the best results possible.

Contact Baldwin Real Estate Today