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Get the Most Value From Your Home

Homeowners and buyers should feel confident about their new investments and begin the next chapter of their lives. Baldwin Real Estate facilitates successful residential property buying and selling by providing accurate home appraisals in Atlanta, GA and surrounding areas. Whether you want to sell your home at the highest price or buy within your budget, our appraisals will lay out property worth in crystal-clear detail. For over 15 years, homeowners and buyers have chosen us for exceptional customer service. We provide you with the best results when negotiating the buying and selling of residential properties.

family in front of a house

A Homeowner and Buyer’s Best Interest

At Baldwin Real Estate, we offer a fair, honest, analytical approach to property appraisals. Whether conducting an upfront desktop appraisal or a comprehensive pre-appraisal, our team ensures that every detail and concern is accounted for. We combine in-depth evaluations and a genuine determination with helping clients succeed. Our wide range of services and thorough estimates enable sellers and buyers to negotiate peacefully and smoothly.

Pre-List/FSBO Appraisals

We are a full-service appraisal firm that handles each aspect of determining a property’s worth. Our in-person inspections, mapping, and photography capture your property in complete detail.

Improvement Feasibility Analysis

Does your home need a repair before the sale? Our appraisals involve identifying and suggesting the most strategic improvements for your home so you can boost its appeal before selling.

Tax Appeal

If you’re paying too much property tax, you may be able to lower your costs with a tax appeal. Our Appraisals prepare homeowners to contest their taxes with facts and evidence.

Desktop Appraisals

We offer desktop appraisals that evaluate vital tax documentation and property records to determine value. The desktop appraisal provides homeowners and buyers with more affordable and quicker valuation.

PMI Appraisal

Some homeowners pay PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) that they no longer need. We can appraise your property and determine if you’re eligible to appeal your PMI and reduce your housing costs.

Cash Appraisals

Do you want to pay for your new home in cash? Our team will gladly offer desktop or full appraisals for cash buyers, ensuring each dollar is well spent.

Contact Baldwin Real Estate Today