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Over 15 Years of Excellence

Baldwin Real Estate understands the complexities of the housing market and its never-ending shifts. We believe the home buying and selling process should be looked forward to. That’s why we provide comprehensive residential property appraisal throughout Atlanta, GA and surrounding areas. For over 15 years, we’ve helped homeowners, buyers, and real estate professionals navigate their appraisals, enabling them to develop a plan for success. Integrity and credibility are at the heart of everything we do.

John Baldwin, SRA, AI-RRS

SRA logo

John Baldwin, SRA, AI-RRS, is the founder, owner, and Chief Appraiser at Baldwin Real Estate. An Atlanta native, John graduated from the University of Georgia with a degree in housing and consumer economics. He began his residential appraising career in 2007 and attained his SRA from the Appraisal Institute in 2010. He is a seasoned real estate professional with a broad range of experience to meet every need.

An SRA-Designated Professional

An SRA designation is among the highest honors and certifications a real estate professional can receive. John Baldwin is one such professional who has one. An SRA membership is obtained by professionals who provide a broad or full range of real estate and appraisal services, analysis, reviews, and more. To receive designation from the SRA, a professional must complete additional education and training beyond what state and residential licensing bodies require. After attaining SRA, the professional must stay updated on current trends and changes within the residential property appraisal and valuation field. John’s SRA membership proves he has gone above and beyond and is among the finest appraisal professionals in the area.

Contact Baldwin Real Estate Today